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发布日期:2025-01-03 18:33    点击次数:137
【松江中企誉品银湖湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):钜惠认购启幕!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』松江新城核芯容积率约1.6-1.8低密滨水住区「中企誉品·银湖湾」主力户型面积约89-130㎡3-4房高层持续热销中售楼处实拍图1择址城央正芯臻享“顶配”生活资源要说配套资源方面,松江显然是十分“偏心”的。比如嘉定新城的商业浓度未必比得上南翔【松江中企誉品银湖湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):钜惠认购启幕!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』;再比如青浦,多年来的发展重心几乎都放在了徐泾身上......然而松江新城可以说是汇集了几乎所有的配套资源!不论是商业配套、教育资源还是生态环境,松江新城无疑是受到了“独宠”!【松江中企誉品银湖湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):钜惠认购启幕!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』图源网络这一点,就连印力集团也是非常认可,并将旗下的高端商业品牌印象城择址于此。松江印象城作为环线外的第二家印象城,也是印力集团继七宝、莘庄、南翔、漕河泾后布局的第五家商业体。在业绩、品牌与口碑方面,无论松江全区,【松江中企誉品银湖湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):钜惠认购启幕!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』还是上海的大西南(松青金奉四区),都没有可以堪称头部的购物中心。约15.5万方的松江印象城全市热门度排名,最高排名第一,目前排名第四,与久光、太古里、太阳宫等顶级购物中心并驾齐驱。(数据来源:知乎Mall星人)【松江中企誉品银湖湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):钜惠认购启幕!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』当然,松江新城的消费能力,也没有让印象城失望,开业首日,26万人集体打卡,现场可以说是万人空巷。同时,与印象城一期相邻,已经出让的印象二期地块,未来建成后必然将再次提升区域内的商业能级。实景图「中企誉品·银湖湾」与之直线距离仅约1.2公里,能够完全享受到印象城所带来的便捷之外,适度的距离也避免【松江中企誉品银湖湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):钜惠认购启幕!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』了因商业与住区过近而产生的私密性降低、吵杂的声音干扰等因素。除了印象城之外,板块内还有万达广场、五龙广场、开元地中海广场等一众有实力的商业综合体的齐聚,让整个松江新城的商业氛围变得极为繁华,这样的商业聚集能力,即便是市中心,也是极为少见;实景图教育方面,可谓是名校林立。项目不仅紧靠着现为止上海规模最大的大学城(包括华东政法大学、东华大学、上海外国语大学、上海对外经贸大学、上海工程技术大学、上海立信会计金融学院、上海视觉艺术学院等七大名校)。同时还有多所幼儿园和初中。更值得一提的是,东侧直线距离约1.5公里处,还有今年刚刚签约的上海实验学校(九年制),该校预计2025年可投入使用。(数据来源于上实教育集团官方微信公众号)医疗方面,项目南侧不远处就是上海市第一人民医院医院(南院),是一所三级甲等医院,可以提供直升机救援服务,享受市中心同等医疗标准资源。实景图生态方面,项目东侧有广富林遗址公园(4A级,4000年文化积淀,上海文脉起源)、广富林郊野公园(免费,上海六大郊野公园之一)、辰山植物园(4A级,占地207万平方米,为华东地区最大的植物园)。北侧有佘山国家森林公园(4A级,沪上之巅,中国10大富人区之一),【松江中企誉品银湖湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):钜惠认购启幕!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』这里不仅汇聚了松江极其优质的生态资源,更是连续15年荣获“上海市市容环境卫生质量综合考评”郊区第一!(数据来源:上海松江公众号2021年6月发布)实景图有了如此优渥的配套资源,「中企誉品·银湖湾」的宜居指数简直爆表。这样一个“出则繁华,入则静谧”的居住体验【松江中企誉品银湖湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):钜惠认购启幕!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』,在同价位段新房,甚至五大新城中都是非常臻稀的。2高能产业加持人才导入仍将源源不断任何一个城市或者板块的发展离不开人口导入。正所谓短期看政策、中期看规划,长期看人口,松江新城人口规模优势明显【松江中企誉品银湖湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):钜惠认购启幕!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』,至2035年规划人口至少110万人,远超其他新城。图源:2035上海总体规划精英人才的不断涌入,不仅能使板块更年轻化,同时也能带动板块发展,提升经济发展。而在五大新城中,松江新城的内部就业比重高达70.2%(数据来源:规划上海SUPDRI公众号),在五大新城中处于领先地位。图源:规划上海SUPDRI公众号由此可见,松江新城内部不仅有着较大的职住需求量,未来还将有更多的人才导入。如果说张江科学城是中国向全球科创中心进军的龙头,那么起于松江的G60科创走廊就是巨龙绵长的躯干。在G60高速两侧形“一廊九区”的布局,集聚40多家世界500强,聚集了松江约90%的工业产值,占上海工业产值近10%(数据来源:上海松江)图源:上海松江G60科创云廊、新城研发总部,近年来引进的项目,像G60脑智科创基地、腾讯长三角人工智能超算中心、上海超硅半导体、【松江中企誉品银湖湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):钜惠认购启幕!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』恒驰新能源汽车、海尔智谷等,都是区域甚至整个上海的“王牌”。图源网络强大的产业支撑,势必会让板块的发展提升一个新的高度。这些持续被导入进来的人口【松江中企誉品银湖湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):钜惠认购启幕!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』,同样对于区域内拥有优质地段和品质住区的业主而言,是房屋未来价值的一大保障。3稀缺低密滨湖区品质拉满的宜居生活在上海,居住舒适度跟产品类型有着很强的关联性。密度越低舒适度也就相对越高!这不仅仅只是产品类型的不同。在楼间距、景观、日照时长等各个方面都有着很大的提升!然而目前市面上新房的容积率大部分都是在约1.8以上甚至开始逐渐超过约2.0,约1.8以下至约1.2容积率的产品已不多见!2021年以来,全市共出让182块宅地,其中容积率在约1.6及以下的宅地仅有10多块。如果把市区10w+的土地剔除【松江中企誉品银湖湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):钜惠认购启幕!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』我们发现450w的低密住区已寥寥无几!事实上,相同地段的情况下,低容积率的土地价值更高,这一点从土拍上就完全可以看出。比如,徐泾有两块宅地【松江中企誉品银湖湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):钜惠认购启幕!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』,一块容积率2.0,联动价6.4万/㎡;另一块容积率1.2,联动价就达6.95万/㎡。而「中企誉品·银湖湾」作为松江新城近年来少有的容积率约1.6-1.8的低密住区,在土地天赋上已傲视群雄。效果图在品质上,“誉品”系作为中企高品质住宅产品线,始终坚持高端定位、高水准开发、高品质呈现的理念,凡誉品即为精品。内外兼顾的自然环境在外部资源上,项目拥有东南两侧水系环抱【松江中企誉品银湖湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):钜惠认购启幕!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』,再加上自身的高层+4层叠加的产品组合,舒适度直接拉满!效果图与此同时,项目让渡更多社区内空间给到园林景观,因地制宜设计一条景观中轴,住宅双面环水的水岸优势【松江中企誉品银湖湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):钜惠认购启幕!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』,呈现的低密、阳光、绿色的滨水风光让人心旷神怡。不同于市面上其他拥有水系资源的项目,「中企誉品·银湖湾」更多的是将内在空间以自然为主题,与双面水系形成更好的呼应。让建筑融合到大自然中,给予业主更加健康舒适的生活氛围。贴合需求的居住细节如今市面上同价格的产品户型其实可以说是大同小异。但往往更能打动购房者的,在于其更加用心的细节处理。「中企誉品·银湖湾」在这方面可谓是非常人性化!①同样面积更加“省钱”现在大部分新盘都有封阳台的现象,要知道这样一来阳台就要按照全面积计算。一般情况下这部分的面积大约在8㎡左右,【松江中企誉品银湖湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):钜惠认购启幕!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』如果不封阳台,那面积只按一半来计算(计算4㎡),相当于给买家足足省了约4×6≈24万元。这可是购房者真金白银多花出去的开支。②同样面积更加“舒适”就拿项目的主力户型,建面约89-98-130㎡高层来说。面积段看似与市面上的许多产品差别不大,【松江中企誉品银湖湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):钜惠认购启幕!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』但要知道该项目在设计上可是煞费苦心。每一个空间的布局都是以居住舒适度为主,从而在有限的空间里尽可能的满足从三口之家到三代同堂或者二胎家庭的全龄段需求!高层户型图如下:[ A户型 ] 建筑面积约98㎡ | 3房2厅2卫套房式主卧,配备独立卫浴、观景大飘窗三开间朝南,户型方正全明,与阳光有约,与美景相视独立玄关设计,精细收纳空间,容纳生活各种可能性客餐厅一体,衔接大阳台,任阳光与生活的浪漫交相辉映[ B户型 ] 建筑面积约89㎡ | 3房2厅1.5卫动静分明 方正紧凑,空间互通,分而不离观景阳台,衔接客厅,坐享阳光格局主卧套房,舒适专享独立卫浴与观景飘窗南向双卧,于随性与自在间,还原生活最美的样子[C户型 ] 建筑面积约130㎡ | 4房2厅2卫四开间朝南 宽境采光面,让最懂“室”的阳光为你而来星级主卧套房,配备独立卫浴与观景飘窗,尊崇奢居体验南北通透布局,空间格局面面俱到,满足人性化全龄动线客餐厨一体,规整大气,【松江中企誉品银湖湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):钜惠认购启幕!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』空间独立又相融,美好随处可栖③同样面积更加“精致”相信看过市面上总价450w级的新房之后,大多数人都会有同一个感觉。装修标准平平无奇,【松江中企誉品银湖湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):钜惠认购启幕!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』甚至由于限价的原因,使得不少开发商更在意成本的控制而压缩了装修标准。这一方面,「中企誉品·银湖湾」依然选材精良。据悉,该项目除了中央空调和地暖之外,还有末端饮水等,室内的品牌也均选自国际/国内一线。卫生间采用了唯宝或同等品牌;龙头/花洒则选用的是高仪或同等品牌;厨房三件套为卡萨帝/方太/老板或同等品牌;中央空调【松江中企誉品银湖湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):钜惠认购启幕!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』:东芝或同等品牌;地暖:威能或同等品牌......最后说一下该项目的优质物业——古北物业上海古北物业管理有限公司(前身为上海安居乐物业管理有限公司),于1991年11月23日成立,隶属于上海地产集团旗下中华企业股份有限公司,是上海首家成立的专业物业服务企业。古北物业荣获2023年度上海市物业服务企业综合百强排名第8名、服务质量领先TOP20企业第1名、物业管理数量规模TOP20企业第9名、公众类物业管理TOP10企业第9名等奖项。有这样高能级的物业公司,[Songjiang Yupin Yinhu Bay] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Juhui subscription screen! "Friendly tips: The model room takes an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit" Songjiang New City coreThe plot ratio is about 1.6-1.8 low-density waterfront residential areas"Chinese Enterprise Yupin · Silver Lake Bay"Main apartment area of about 89-130 square meters 3-4 high-riseContinue to sell wellSales office real picture1Choose the central core of the cityEnjoy "top matching" living resourcesIn terms of supporting resources, Songjiang is obviously very "eccentric".For example, the commercial concentration of Jiading New Town may not be comparable to Nanxiang [Songjiang Yupin Yinhu Bay] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Juhui subscription screen! "Friendly tips: The model room adopts the reservation system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit"; For example, Qingpu, over the years, the focus of development has almost been placed on Xu Jing......However, Songjiang New City can be said to bring together almost all the supporting resources! Whether it is business facilities, educational resources or ecological environment, Songjiang New City is undoubtedly the "unique favor"! [Songjiang Yupin Yinhu Bay] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Juhui subscription screen! "Friendly tips: The model room takes the appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit"Graph source networkThis, even the Yinli Group is also very recognized, and its high-end commercial brand impression City is located here.Songjiang Impression City, as the second impression city outside the Ring line, is also the fifth commercial body of Yinli Group after Qibao, Xinzhuang, Nanxiang, Caohejing layout.In terms of performance, brand and reputation, regardless of Songjiang district, [Songjiang Chinese enterprise reputation Yinhu Bay] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Juhui subscription screen! "Friendly tips: The model room takes an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit" or the southwest of Shanghai (Songqing Jinfeng four districts), there is no shopping center that can be called the head.About 155,000 square meters of Songjiang Impression City, the city's popularity ranking, the highest ranking of the first, currently ranked fourth, with Jiuguang, Taikoo Li, Sun Palace and other top shopping centers. (Data source: Zhihu Mall Star)[Songjiang Yupin Yinhu Bay] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Juhui subscription screen! "Friendly tips: The model room takes the appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit"Of course, Songjiang New City's consumption power, also did not let the impression of the city disappointed, the first day of opening, 260,000 people collectively punched the card, the scene can be said to be crowded. At the same time, adjacent to the first phase of Impression City, the second phase of Impression land parcel, which has been transferred, will inevitably upgrade the commercial level in the region once completed in the future.Reality picture"Yupin · Yinhu Bay" and the linear distance is only about 1.2 kilometers, can fully enjoy the convenience brought by the impression city, moderate distance also avoid [Songjiang Yupin Yinhu Bay] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Juhui subscription screen! "Friendly tips: The model room takes an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit" due to the business and residential areas are too close and the privacy is reduced, noisy sound interference and other factors.In addition to Impression City, there are Wanda Square, Five Dragons Square, New Century Mediterranean Square and other powerful commercial complexes gathered in the plate, so that the entire Songjiang New City business atmosphere has become extremely prosperous, such a business gathering ability, even in the city center, is extremely rare;Reality pictureIn terms of education, there are many famous schools. The project is not only close to the largest university town in Shanghai (including East China University of Political Science and Law, Donghua University, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, Shanghai University of Engineering Technology, Shanghai Lixin Accounting and Finance College, Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts and other seven famous universities). There are also several kindergartens and junior high schools.What is more worth mentioning is that about 1.5 kilometers away from the east side, there is the Shanghai Experimental School (nine years) that has just been signed this year, which is expected to be put into use in 2025. (Data from Shangshi Education Group official wechat public account)In terms of medical care, not far from the south side of the project is the Shanghai First People's Hospital (South Hospital), which is a third-class A hospital, which can provide helicopter rescue services and enjoy the same medical standard resources in the city center.Reality pictureIn terms of ecology, the east side of the project has Guangfulin Heritage Park (4A level, 4,000 years of cultural accumulation, the origin of Shanghai culture), Guangfulin Country Park (free, one of the six country parks in Shanghai), Chenshan Botanical Garden (4A level, covering an area of 2.07 million square meters, the largest botanical garden in East China). In the north, there is Sheshan National Forest Park (4A level, the top of Shanghai, one of the 10 richest areas in China), [Songjiang Yupin Yinhu Bay] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Juhui Subscription screen! "Friendly tips: The model room takes an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit" here not only gathers Songjiang's extremely high-quality ecological resources, but also won the "Shanghai City appearance and environmental health quality comprehensive evaluation" suburb first for 15 consecutive years! (Data source: Shanghai Songjiang public number released in June 2021)Reality pictureWith such excellent supporting resources, the livable index of "Chinese enterprise Yupin · Silver Lake Bay" is simply off the charts. Such a "out of the bustling, into the quiet" living experience [Songjiang Yupin Yinhu Bay] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Juhui subscription screen! "Friendly tips: The model room takes an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit", in the same price segment of new homes, even in the five new cities are very rare.2High energy industry blessingTalent recruitment will continueThe development of any city or sector is inseparable from the introduction of population. Is the so-called short-term policy, medium-term planning, long-term population, Songjiang New City population size advantage is obvious [Songjiang Yupin Yinhu Bay] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Juhui subscription screen! "Friendly tips: The model room takes an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit", by 2035, the planned population of at least 1.1 million people, far more than other new towns.Source: Shanghai Master Plan 2035The continuous influx of elite talents can not only make the plate younger, but also drive the development of the plate and enhance economic development.Among the five new cities, the proportion of internal employment in Songjiang New City is as high as 70.2% (data source: Planning Shanghai SUPDRI public number), which is in a leading position among the five new cities.Photo source: Planning Shanghai SUPDRI public numberIt can be seen that Songjiang New City not only has a large demand for jobs and housing, but also will introduce more talents in the future.If Zhangjiang Science City is the leader of China's march to the global science and innovation center, then the G60 science and innovation corridor from Songjiang is the long torso of the dragon.In the layout of "one corridor and nine districts" on both sides of the G60 expressway, more than 40 Fortune 500 companies gather together, gathering about 90% of Songjiang's industrial output value, accounting for nearly 10% of Shanghai's industrial output value (Data source: Shanghai Songjiang)Photo Source: Shanghai SongjiangG60 Science and technology cloud gallery, New city R&D headquarters, the introduction of projects in recent years, such as G60 brain and intelligence science and technology base, Tencent Yangtze River Delta artificial intelligence supercomputing center, Shanghai super silicon semiconductor, [Songjiang Yupin Yinhu Bay] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Juhui subscription screen! "Friendly tips: The model room takes an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit" Hengchi new energy vehicles, Haier Wisdom Valley, etc., are the "trump card" of the region and even the whole of Shanghai.Graph source networkStrong industrial support is bound to raise the development of the plate to a new height.These continue to be imported into the population [Songjiang Zhongyu Yinhu Bay] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Juhui subscription screen! "Friendly tips: The model room takes an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit", also for the owners of high-quality lots and quality residential areas in the region, is a big guarantee for the future value of the house.3Scarce low dense lake areaQuality pull full livable lifeIn Shanghai, there is a strong correlation between living comfort and product type. The lower the density, the higher the comfort! It's not just the type of product. In building spacing, landscape, sunshine duration and other aspects have a great improvement!However, at present, most of the floor area ratio of new houses on the market is above about 1.8 or even gradually exceeds about 2.0, and products below about 1.8 to about 1.2 floor area ratio are rare!Since 2021, the city has sold a total of 182 residential land, of which only more than 10 residential land with a plot ratio of about 1.6 and below. If the urban 10w+ land removed [Songjiang Yupin Yinhu Bay] official sales office tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Juhui subscription screen! "Friendly tips: The model room takes an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit" We found that 450w low-density residential areas have very few!In fact, in the case of the same lot, the land value of low plot ratio is higher, which can be seen from the land sale. For example, there are two residential land in Xujing [Songjiang Yupin Yinhu Bay] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Juhui subscription screen! "Friendly tips: The model room adopts the reservation system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit", a plot ratio of 2.0, linkage price 64,000 /㎡; Another plot ratio 1.2, linkage price reached 69,500 /㎡.As a low-density residential area with a plot ratio of about 1.6-1.8 that is rare in Songjiang New City in recent years, "Chinese Enterprise Yupin · Yinhu Bay" has been proud of the group in terms of land talent.Effect drawingIn terms of quality, "Yupin" as a high-quality residential product line, always adhere to the concept of high-end positioning, high level development, high quality presentation, where Yupin is a boutique.Natural environment with both inside and outsideIn terms of external resources, the project is surrounded by water on both sides of the southeast [Songjiang Yupin Yinhu Bay] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developer 24-hour hotline) : Juhui Subscription screen! "Friendly tips: The model room takes the appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit", plus its own high-rise +4 layer superimposed product portfolio, comfort directly full!Effect drawingAt the same time, the project gives more space in the community to the garden landscape, designs a landscape axis according to local conditions, and the waterfront advantage of the residential two-sided water [Songjiang Zhongyu Yinhu Bay] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Juhui Subscription screen! "Friendly tips: The model room takes an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit", the low density, sunshine, green waterfront scenery is relaxing and happy.Different from other projects with water system resources on the market, "China Enterprise Yupin · Silver Lake Bay" is more about taking the inner space as the theme of nature, and forming a better echo with the double-sided water system. Let the building integrate into the nature, giving the owner a more healthy and comfortable living atmosphere.Living details tailored to your needsToday's market with the same price of product housing can be said to be much the same. But often more impressing buyers, lies in its more careful details."Chinese enterprise Yupin · Silver Lake Bay" can be described as very humanized in this regard!① The same area is more "money saving"Now most of the new plates have the phenomenon of sealing the balcony, you know, so that the balcony will be calculated in accordance with the full area. Under normal circumstances, the area of this part is about 8 square meters, [Songjiang Yupin Silver Lake Bay] official sales office tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Juhui subscription screen! "Friendly tips: The model room takes an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit" If the balcony is not sealed, the area is only calculated by half (calculate 4 square meters), which is equivalent to saving the buyer about 4×6≈ 240,000 yuan. That's real money buyers are spending.② The same area is more "comfortable"Take the main housing type of the project, the construction surface of about 89-98-130 square meters of high-rise.The area segment seems to be little different from many products on the market, [Songjiang Zhongyu Yinhu Bay] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Juhui subscription screen! "Friendly tips: The model room takes an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit," but you should know that the project is painstakingly designed. The layout of each space is based on living comfort, so as to meet the needs of all ages from a family of three to a family of three generations or a family of two children in the limited space as much as possible!The upper floor layout is as follows:[Unit A] Construction area of about 98㎡ | 3 rooms, 2 halls and 2 bathroomsEn-suite master bedroom with en suite bathroom and large bay window with viewThree open room to the south, the house square is full Ming, with the sun about, and the beauty of each otherIndependent entrance design, fine storage space, accommodate various possibilities of lifeThe guest restaurant is integrated, connecting with the large balcony, allowing the sunshine and the romance of life to complement each other[B type] The construction area is about 89㎡ | 3 rooms, 2 halls and 1.5 bathroomsMovement clear square is compact, space intercommunication, separated and inseparableBalcony with view, connecting living room, sit and enjoy the sunshine patternMaster suite with cozy en-suite bathroom and bay windowSouth-facing double bedroom, between casual and free, restore the most beautiful look of life[Unit C] The construction area is about 130㎡ | 4 rooms, 2 halls and 2 bathroomsFour rooms facing the south wide border lighting surface, so that the most understand the "room" of the sun to come for youStar master suite with en suite bathroom and bay window for luxurious living experienceThe north-south transparent layout, the spatial pattern of all aspects, to meet the humanized full-age moving lineGuest kitchen integration, orderly atmosphere, [Songjiang Yupin Yinhu Bay] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Juhui subscription screen! "Friendly tips: The model room adopts the reservation system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit" the space is independent and integrated, and the beauty can live anywhere③ The same area is more "exquisite"I believe that after seeing the total price of 450w new houses on the market, most people will have the same feeling. The decoration standard is ordinary, 【 Songjiang Zhongyu Yinhu Bay 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Juhui subscription screen! "Friendly tips: The model room takes an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit" and even because of the price limit, many developers are more concerned about cost control and compressed decoration standards.In this respect, "Chinese enterprise Yupin · Silver Lake Bay" is still well-selected materials. It is reported that in addition to central air conditioning and floor heating, the project also has end drinking water, etc., and the indoor brand is also selected from the international/domestic line.The bathroom is made of Weibao or equivalent brand; The faucet/shower is GROhe or equivalent brand; Three-piece kitchen set Casardi/Fontai/Boss or equivalent brand; Central air conditioning [Songjiang Yupin Yinhu Bay] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Juhui【松江中企誉品银湖湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):钜惠认购启幕!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』不仅能使得社区的品质得到更好的保障,更能让业主居住于此更加安心!


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